Osteopathy and Massage treatment in Reading Berkshire for back pain and injuries
Osteopath Reading, Massage Reading, injury clinic reading, pain clinic reading, pain treatment
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TheOsteo Clinic is a center providing effective treatment for the stresses and strains caused by modern day life.

“Our aim is to help you get back to enjoying your life fully.”

Many people, in their search for an effective treatment, can become disappointed when their expected results aren’t achieved.


If you have been unable to find effective pain relief, tired of taking pain killers or just want a clearer understanding of what is happening with your body, TheOsteo Clinic based in Reading Berkshire, is the place that can help you.

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Our Team


Theo L. Matthews

Osteopath, Naturopath and Soft Tissue Practitioner

My Treatment is based on the education received at the British College of Osteopathic Medicine and focuses on: Treating patients as individuals, working on the root of the problem not just the symptoms and providing the patients with a simple clear understanding of what they are experiencing and why.

The Naturopathic education that I received at the college, allows me to fully treat the body as a whole by offering nutrition, exercise and life-style advice.

Every year Osteopaths are required to do a set amount of Continued Professional Development hours (CPD), I use these hours to improve my skills in order to provide more effective treatments for you.

Through osteopathy I get the chance to meet many interesting characters and personalities. Having a positive effect on their lives makes this career both rewarding and enjoyable.

  1. I will always do my best to help you

  2. I also want you to understand what is happening and how you can prevent it

  3. The treatment time will be yours as much as mine therefore none of it will be wasted

Osteopathy  Overview

In its simplest form Osteopathy is applied physiology and anatomy in order promote the bodies healing processes.

It comes under the terms Complimentary and Alternative Medicine.

What sets it apart from other forms of therapy is…..

Is Osteopathy For Me?

Usually most people come into contact with an Osteopath or hear about Osteopathy in relation to back pain treatment and whilst that is what we are renowned for our anatomical education allows us to look at all areas of the body especially painful joints and muscles.

Treatment may include a range of different techniques such as…



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