Anxiety Post Lockdown
Article discussing the apple method for coping with anxiety
Lockdown anxiety, coping with anxiety, apple technique
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Anxiety Post Lockdown

Anxiety Post Lockdown

Taking bites out of Anxiety

Although for us in the UK lockdown may be easing, existing challenges and uncertainty may remain. On top of that new worries may arise. For many, this can lead to feelings of anxiety. AnxietyUK have come up with a very practical technique named “Apple” to help deal with anxiety. Let us have a look at what this entails.


Anxiety is often due to uncertainty; that is to be expected, being aware of when those situations might occur and acknowledging those periods will help you prepare to deal with them.


Try your best not to react as you would normally. Furthermore sometimes hardest yet most effective thing to do, is to do nothing, just pause and breathe.

Pull Back:

There are times when we need to remember that thoughts and feelings are only that; not statements or facts. It is helpful to  remind ourselves that a constant need for certainty is not always necessary or helpful therefore it is best not fill our heads with ‘what ifs’.

Let Go:

Thoughts and feelings pass and do not always need a response. So let go of the negative ones and try to look to positives and potential opportunities.


If all is well now try to enjoy the moment, explore your present sensations, notice your breathing, surroundings and environment. This is especially effective if your able to be amongst nature or beautiful surroundings. If not why not spend some time meditating on positive memories, or use visual and audible aids .

Hopefully you find this technique helpful and if so why not visit the AnxietyUk web page, or feel free to get in touch with us!

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