30 Apr Getting Active For The Summer
Time to come out of hibernation!
Just like with the rest of nature, during the winter season the tendency is to get yourself out of the cold and into the warmth of your home with something good to eat and then have a nice rest!
As the days last longer and the weather gets warmer when summer is approaching, we get the opposite feeling meaning we want to stay out longer and perhaps loose some of that ‘excess storage’ we have accumulated around our waistlines.
So let’s look at some practical steps to get active during the summer.
Find something you like
A good way to start is to decide an activity that you enjoy, doing activities you enjoy mean that you are more likely to find ways to fit them into your current lifestyle/schedule. If you can do something that gets the heart beating a little faster for at least 30 minutes a day your making a step in the right direction.
Decide how you should do it
Should you do vigorous or moderate activities? That is up to you, but it is always good to do a mixture throughout the week. How much? A good way to think is 2 minutes of moderate exercise is equivalent to 1 minute of intense exercise.
What else can you do?
The main types of exercises that you can include in your activities are:
- Aerobic/Cardiovascular – swimming, cycling, vigorous gardening and DIY etc.
- Strength and Resistance – lifting weights, log cutting and press-ups etc.
- Stretching/Flexibility – yoga or Pilates
- Balance – dancing, tai chi and yoga
Advice on starting out
- Build up gradually both in intensity and duration
- Expect to feel a little sore later on or even the next day
- Make sure you are doing something you enjoy
So if you want more advice on starting out, or you have already started and want to know what can be done to keep your body in good condition feel free to contact us!
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